Protect the Vote!

What Can You Do?

It is not too late to call your state representatives, Governor John Bel Edwards, or Secretary Kyle Ardoin, to have your voices heard. We deserve to vote safely during this time of crisis and no one should be put in harms way just to vote. We're urging everyone to call or email their office!

Subject: RE: Mail-In Voting

Dear State Representative,

I am writing to urge you to allow and make available Mail-in Voting .

I urge you to allow us to send mail-in ballot applications using voter databases to fill in missing information from the request forms. I believe in the values of our democracy and in the people of Louisiana, and I oppose efforts to make voting harder, especially in the middle of a pandemic.

Thank you,

<your name>


<phone number>

Other Steps You Can Take

  • Write an editorial in your local paper. We need to make this visible.

  • Spread the word on Facebook and Twitter. Let's hold these legislators accountable!

Next Steps for HF Movement Louisiana

We are not going to let the legislature off easy. The Humanity First Movement is planning future actions to hold Legislators accountable for their actions and to bring Voting and Election integrity to the forefront of the 2020 Louisiana elections. Stay tuned for future updates and, if you haven't done so, Get Connected!