Humanity First Values
We are on a mission to build a new economy, one that puts people first. This is our core ethos; everything we do is rooted in our belief in the power of "humanity first." We denounce all hate-filled rhetoric, bigotry and racism in any and all forms. We support all Americans - and realize that while we may not agree on everything, we can agree that we are all part of a shared country, human race, and economy. Our goal is to make our country stronger and healthier for ourselves and our children.
We strive for honesty and integrity above all. The truth isn't always easy to digest, but we believe that being honest about existing problems, no matter how intimidating, will help us grow together as a society and generate realistic solutions. We treat our colleagues and competitors with respect and dignity, and always do our best to remain true to who we are.
For too long America has operated with a mindset of scarcity. We propose not looking at human beings as costs, but rather as investments in our country and society. America is the wealthiest and most advanced society in the history of the world - we must pick our heads up and operate with a mindset of abundance: the belief that there is enough to go around for all.
People make mistakes; we will, our candidates will, and like-wise our competition will. We are all human and not perfect. While we always strive to do the right thing, when we or others fail at achieving our high standards, we believe in grace, love and forgiveness so we can learn from mistakes and improve upon them for next time.
Our vision for a better America includes all Americans. This means people from across the political spectrum. We acknowledge that we are never going to agree on everything, but we can agree to accelerate our society forward to solve the problems of the 21st century. We welcome Americans of all political backgrounds to the our group, and if you've never had a political “home,” we welcome you too.
We love numbers. We don't shy away from policy explanations, getting wonky, or diving into data and statistics. We realize this isn't always what sells to the average person, but we also realize that we have complicated problems that require complex solutions. We prioritize the numbers, which helps us keep a rational approach to the pressing issues of the day, and we're not afraid to make course adjustments when the data changes.